Her Spirit - Winter Swim Challenge
A couple of blogs from the Her Spirit Winter Swim Challenge swimmers of the month.
I first became aware of Her Spirit when Gillian posted about an open water taster session at Spring Lakes. 2020 and 2021 had left me battered and bruised and I needed to try something different so I gave it a go. Little did I know at that point what an amazing community I was joining!

Her Spirit is so supportive and has got me signing up for challenges I would never have dreamed of doing even 4 months ago. The encouragement and friendship is invaluable, combined with great advice and information.
I am really proud to say on the Winter Swim Challenge I managed to swim 21 days out of January. I originally signed up for 220 minutes of winter swimming but became so addicted I had to increase my target to 2500 minutes!
I swim about 4 times a week now and love it. To misquote Blur and Parklife “it gives me a sense of enormous wellbeing”
Most of my friends think I’m crazy but the cold water is just the very best reset button for me. I totally get what Cath Pendleton means now about the colder the better, though I definitely have no Antarctic plans 😉.
Thank you so much everyone for inspiring me ❤️
In completing this Winter Swim Challenge Sally received "Swim Secure Member of the month goodie pack" including a Dry Bag Window - well done Sally.


If you want to find out more about Her Spirit you can follow them on Instagram and Facebook - "Together We've Got This ..."